Insurance & reinsurance companies

The insurance sector’s supervisory authority, ACAPS is in charge of monitoring the solvency of insurance and reinsurance companies, with the purpose of protecting the rights of policyholders and beneficiaries of insurance contracts

Insurance intermediaries

The distribution network is under the supervision of ACAPS. In this respect, ACAPS has the authority of supervising the network’s activities and operations, and the authority of granting or withdrawing of approval / authorization, but also the authority to sanction. The distribution network consists of insurance intermediaries (agents and brokers) and direct management offices reporting directly to the insurance and reinsurance companies:

  • 1949 insurance intermediaries comprising 1475 agents and 474 brokers
  • 1072 direct management offices

See the list of intermediaries

Find an insurance intermediary

Payment service providers

The payment service providers authorized to present insurance transactions are (as of 31/12/2024):

  • Wafa Cash
  • Damane Cash
  • Cash plus
  • Morocco M2T Transaction Processing
  • Barid Cash
  • Al Filahi Cash
  • Chari Money


The business of bancassurance is in turn practiced by banks, finance companies and microfinance associations.

Different banks are approved for submission of personal insurance, assistance and credit insurance operations in accordance with Article 306 of Law 17-99 of the Insurance Code.

The network of bancassurance is as follows :

  • 10 banks authorized for submission of insurance operations, including 3 participative banks windows;
  • 5 Participative banks for the presentation of insurance operations ;
  • 3 licensed finance companies;
  • 1 microcredit association


The note on bancassurance activity is a summary based on the figures and data provided by the bancassurance network for the year 2021

Download the document

Report on the activity of insurance and reinsurance companies 

This report is based on the statistical and accounting statements that insurance and reinsurance companies are required to send to ACAPS for each financial year, in accordance with Law No. 17-99 on the Insurance Code promulgated by dahir n ° 1-02-238 of the 25th rejeb 1423 (October 3rd, 2002) as amended and supplemented, and its implementing regulations.

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