What is meant with social protection for a retired person?

Retirement coverage refers to all the collective provident mechanisms that allow individuals to face the financial consequences of social risks. Social protection for retired persons allows protection against all situations that may cause a drop in resources or an increase in an individual's "out-of-pocket" expenses. The risks covered are mainly those related to old age, but also to disability and death.

How is this retirement coverage implemented?

Basic pension coverage is provided through several schemes managed by different organizations that differ from each other in the way they operate:


1.    the schemes managed by the Moroccan Retirement Fund (Caisse Marocaine de Retraite – CMR), namely:

•    the Civil Pension Scheme:

This basic scheme, instituted by Law no. 011-71 of December 30, 1971, covers State probationary and established officials, local government employees and employees of certain public institutions.

•    the Military Pension Scheme:

This basic scheme, instituted by Law No. 013-71 of December 30, 1971, covers the staff of the Royal Armed Forces, the Auxiliary Forces and the Royal Gendarmerie.

2.    the Group Retirement Allowance Scheme (RCAR)

The Group Retirement Allowance Scheme, established by Dahir No. 1-77-216 of October 4, 1977, is a legal institution with financial autonomy that is managed by the National Pension and Insurance Fund (CNRA), itself managed by the Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion (CDG).
It is the mandatory basic pension scheme that covers non-established officials of the State and local authorities as well as the staff members of public bodies subject to State financial supervision.

3.    the General Social Security Scheme

This scheme is managed by the National Social Security Fund (Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale – CNSS). Established by the Dahir on Law No. 1-72-184 15 joumada II 1392 (July 17, 1972), it covers employees from the private sector.

4.    the Pension Scheme for Self-Employed Workers

Also managed by the National Social Security Fund (CNSS), this pension scheme was established by Law No. 99-15 and is intended for all self-employed workers and professionals.


Supplementary pension coverage is provided by several schemes:

1.      The Moroccan Inter-Professional Retirement (CIMR):
The CIMR is a mutual pension company, governed by the provisions of Law No. 64-12 establishing the Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority (ACAPS) as well as by its Articles of Association and its Pension General Regulations.

Membership in the CIMR is optional. The schemes set up by this fund are open to private sector employees through the membership of their employers – legal entities or natural persons: any employer in Morocco with at least 3 employees. Membership in this fund is also open to groups of any kind for the benefit of their members (Corporation, Association, Cooperative, ...) as well as to natural persons, as individuals.

2.    The Supplementary Scheme of the Group Retirement Allowance Scheme (RCAR):

The RCAR supplementary scheme applies to employees affiliated to the general RCAR scheme and whose remuneration exceeds the ceiling of the so-called general scheme. This supplementary scheme may also be extended to persons who can prove that they are affiliated to another basic scheme such as the social security scheme or any specific pension scheme.

Although membership in this very scheme is optional, once the employer joins the scheme, membership becomes mandatory for all employees whose salary exceeds the cap set by the general scheme.

3.    Supplementary Pension Scheme CMR-ATTAKMILI (optional):

CMR also manages a supplementary and optional pension scheme called "ATTAKMILI", that is exclusively intended for the members of the basic schemes managed by CMR (civil and military). It is an optional retirement savings vehicle which gives the right to an additional pension.


Role of ACAPS

The role and mission of the Insurance and Social Security Supervisory Authority – Autorité de Contrôle des Assurances et de la Prévoyance Sociale or ACAPS – is to ensure compliance with the regulations in force, in particular with regard to the enforcement of the laws and regulations that govern the various pension schemes and the benefits provided to the members and affiliates as part of their adherence to these schemes.

It also sees to it that the organizations managing the pension schemes comply with the industry Best Practices in their daily operations and with the members’ protection rules.

As part of its mission to control and supervise the pension related operations, the Authority is also responsible for ensuring the financial and actuarial balance of pension funds and organizations, through an off-site and on-site control.

In case of a dispute with your pension fund

If you have a dispute with your pension management fund, we recommend that you first contact your pension management fund. If the dispute remains unresolved after this step, you may then file a complaint with ACAPS via the platform dedicated to complaint management.

Acting as the Supervisory Authority, ACAPS will then examine your complaint and, if necessary, take the appropriate action within the scope of its powers, in accordance with the applicable regulatory provisions.

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