The Mandatory Health Insurance (AMO) is established by Law no. 65.00 on the Code of basic medical coverage. It provides basic mandatory medical coverage and guarantees universal access to health care.
The AMO offers equal and fair access to care to the entire population withinthe principle of collective and joint responsibility for health expenses.
The basic mandatory health insurance is based on the contributory principle and on the mutualization of risks. There is no form of discrimination whatsoever – related to age orgender, to the nature of the activity, the level and nature of income... It offers:
- Systematic coverage of pensioners;
- Uncapped large riskcoverage;
- Coverage of potential and actual risks (coverage of the history of the disease);
- The possibility of total or partial exemption of the remaining part to be paid by the insured ;
- The possibility of paying for care abroad;
- The possibility of third-party payment for medication (drugs);
- Unlimited coverage for children with disabilities;
- A continuous coverage during:
- 6 months for the insured person and his or her dependents in the event of cessation of activity;
- 12 months for the spouse in case of divorce;
- 24 months for the rightful claimants in case of the insured's death.
AMO: which target groups?
The following are considered to be automatically affiliated employers under the AMO:
- Employers affiliated to the CNSS for social security benefits;
- State administrations, local authorities, public establishments and legal entities governed by public law whose officials andagents are registered with the CNOPS on the date of publication of the Decree, i.e. August 18, 2005;
- the bodies managing the pension schemes.
You are subject to the basic health insurance obligation in the public sector managed by CNOPS if you are:
- an official or an agent working in the public sector (state, local government or public institutions);
- seconded or made available;
- beneficiary of a voluntary leave;
- recipient of an exceptional pension;
- public sector retiree with a pension from CMR or RCAR funds;
- recipient of pensions from an internal pension fund;
- beneficiary of CNSS services before the implementation of the AMO;
- retiree receiving a pension from the CIMR;
- retiree receiving a pension from the CNSS;
- aMoroccanstudent.
You are subject to the basic health insurance obligation in the private sector managed by the CNSS if you are :
- an employee subject to the social security system who does not have any other health coverage on the date of entry into force of the mandatory health insurance;
- voluntaryinsuredperson;
- fisherman on a « wage-share » plan;
- pensioner;
- the following are also covered, if they do not have personal coverage of the same nature:
- the spouse(s);
- the dependent children up to the age of 21;
- unmarried dependent children up to the age 26 pursuing higher education;
- disabled dependent children, without age limit.
What benefits are covered by the amo?

Basic Mandatory Health Insurance |
Basket of Healthcare (Services) |
General medicine, medical and surgical specialties procedures |
Care related to the pregnancy and childbirth follow-up and monitoring |
Care related to hospitalization and surgical procedures including reconstructive surgery |
Bio-clinical analyses services |
Radiology and medicalimaging |
Functionalexaminations |
Drugseligible for reimbursement |
Close to human blood and blood derivatives |
Medical devices and implants necessary for various medical and surgical procedures |
Medical prosthesis and orthosis devices eligible for reimbursement |
Medicaleyewear |
Oral care |
Orthodontics for children |
Functionalrehabilitation and physiotherapy |
Paramedicalprocedures |
Preventive and curative care related to priority programs within the framework of the State Healthcare policy |
The following benefits are excluded from the scope of the AMO coverage:
- Cosmetic surgery, thermal cures, acupuncture, mesotherapy, thalassotherapy, homeopathy and services provided as part of alternative medicine;
- Care following work accidents and occupational diseases.
What is the amo contribution rate?
Public Sector
- If you are employed: the contribution rate is set at 5% of all salaries, shared equally with your employer;
- If you are a pensioner: the rate is set at 2.5% of all basic pensions;
- The minimum monthly contribution is 70 MAD and the maximum contribution is 400 MAD.
- If you are employed: the contribution rate is set at 4.52% of all salaries, shared equally with your employer. This rate is increased by 1.85% to be paid exclusively by employers;
- If you are a pensioner: the rate is set at 4.52% of all basic pensions;
- If you are a fisherman, the contribution is set at 1.36% of the amount of the sale of fish caught on trawlers and 1.70% on sardines and longliners;